The interactive map of female names most commonly used since 1960.

TheAtlantic shows a map of the most widely used female names for each state of the United States from 1960 to 2012 based on data provided by the Social Security Administration.

It starts and ends with Mary and Sophia, but every name dominates the charts for a few years.
Jennifer was the only female name most used by American parents for 14 years (1970-1984).

The rankings of the most popular names for girls in the United States also show that the last three names at the top since 2008 (Emma, Isabella and Sophia) remain in the top 3 positions, but have disappeared from the top 100 Jessica (1985-1990 and 1993-1995), Jennifer, Lisa (1962-1969) and Mary (1960-1961).

Quite different the situation of male names where Jacob is the first since 1998.

15 November 2013

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